So happy to see IAOMT on Substack!! The meeting in Washington DC was wonderful and my staff and I can't wait to attend our next IAOMT meeting. I am grateful for all of the work you are doing!

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I would like to share, perhaps in Facebook or through whatsapp to a niece who is a dentist.

I myself am a nutritionista and thank you for your work.

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Time to wipe out the "optimally Fluoridated" trick messaging.

Zero Fluoride the way to go.

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Have you worked with or spoken with Dr. Kennedy with IAOMT and his work trying to get Fluoride out of our water in the US?

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Yes Jessica, I was signed up to FAN many years ago


and support IAOMT Australian Chapter Dentists.


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You've likely seen the ruling that just came out yesterday. I've put this latest development regarding fluoridated water into a timeline of verifiable facts and research dating back to 1956, which can help to make clear the importance and implications of this ruling.


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Great to see the IAOMT taking a public stance on this and demanding action. we’ve been poisoning society too long with fluoride.

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