Thank you, this is an insidious crisis in the U.S. Affected former patients are extraordinarily underserved by almost all practitioners here. Many don't even realize our healthcare system fails to help and oftentimes harms the chronically diseased. This "care" is even exponentially worse for those with obscure diseases like cavitations. I seem to have no legal recourse for the extreme, systemic damage that my past cavitations had. I believe the DOE (education) is primarily to blame for not better ensuring cavitations do not occur nor become infected. Biological dentists do a much better job in general with these precautions. Cavitations have been known about for over a century. There's no excuse for the pathology not to be accepted as existent by all dental regulators and overseers. The dentist that failed with my extractions many yrs ago still abided by most if not all of his requirements for care. I still have pulpitis in most if not all of my teeth from the metastatic cavitational infections. I may literally have to have all my teeth pulled. Regenerative endodontics is developing in research but I can't find a dentist that offers this for adults near NY. Any help here would be GREATLY appreciated.

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Contact DAMS, Dental Amalgam Mercury Solutions. They have a database identifying many doctors/dentist that specialize in numerous healthy dental solutions. Phone is 651-644-4572, Leo Cashman is the contact.

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I haven't heard of them, thanks.

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Could you please provide specific "cytokine" bloodwork that you speak to in the article?

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Thanks for the introductory article of jawbone cavitations. While I was a holistic dentist for 35 years, I performed alot of cavitational surgeries on my patients. The article you have put togather is a very good summary of where the profession is currently. I would recommend an IAOMT dentist to any one looking for a holistic dentist and especially if they have chronic health issues. Blessings. Rev. Dr. Stephen A. Lawrence

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